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   Shay's    Rebellion



 Shays'  Rebellion is an interesting topic when it comes to U.S. and American Revolutionary history. This specific rebellion resulted in the throwing away of the Articles of Confederation and the creation of the U.S. Constitution


On this website you will see content and information about how Shays' Rebellion happened, when it happened, where it happened, and more.


If you have any questions or comments please contact me. Thanks




   At the end of the Revolutionary War the colonists were glad they were finally free from the burden of Britain. The economy after the war was great due to the optimism of all the colonists. But the colonists did not see the the major recession coming. This came so fast it caught them off guard and their dreams after winning the Revolutionary War was swept away.

   Many farmers in Massachusetts experienced high debt as they tried to start farms. Most of them had gone off to fight in the Revolutionary War. They expected to be payed for the service they had provided for America. Well the government never paid these men and started to take their homes and farms due to their unpaid debt. The Massachusetts government at the time wouldn't relieve any debt or respond to the economic downfall. Slowly, pent up anger and grief started to form into protesting and rebellious attitudes in the Americans. Even petitions were proposed by the Massachusetts inhabitants to the State legislature for tax letup.


      The government did not heed to their requests and the farmers got angrier. They started to have riots and protests throughout the town. Some even took the people in the courthouses hostage.


Reasons for Rebellion

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